Consultant and business solution partner for agile profitable growth

We Help  business to excel and achieve agility and the profitable growth that sustainable. Our target customers are businesses; small, medium or big; in supply chain industry that have such objective.
We focus on system development, management upgrade, and digital IT solution such as an integrated and modular ERP implementation using Odoo Framework. We swear that the combination of those three is the key foundation for every business that want to achieve sustainable agility and profitable growth
BCC aim and strive to be the Client's better choice

Our Guiding Values


We treat people with respect. We continuosly attract, educate, develop, and retain talent to deliver significant results.

Accelerated Teamwork

We work as a team to achieve the common goals. We team with each client to become a trusted, independent, catalyst for change

Client Focus

We do all for clients reach their objectives, even when we have to state arguments. We put sense of ownership on client's resources.


We implement high Ethics on our services, We respect clients, legal requirements, and our values.

Set & Strive for Excellence

We commit to accountable, set and strive for excellent performance


We recognize and reward on effort, creativity and good performance

Agile And Grow Profitably Are Our Customer Benefit

Improvement Become New Operating Standard and Cultural Mindset

Continues improvement keep going long after BCC involvement is over. We give quick win result during the project, but the most important is we change the paradigm, and empower client team to identify, to address, and to promote solution on cultural barriers, as well as to improve the business process.

Initial ROI

Quick Win Result during The project

Culture of Improvement

"We can do" mindset and skill to roll the improvement

Operation Excellence

Competitive Advantage from Lower Cost and shorter cycle time

BCC Consulting

Citra Raya Boulevard Blok X01 No. 27R Citra Raya Tangerang 15710.
Phone: 021-29239357

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