What is ERP?

Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP is a Digital Implementation of a Business Management System

It is a computer application that is functioning as a modern tool to manage business with a system, as well as a business information system.
Plan and define how your business shall run to provide excellent customer experience and to grow profitably into a system. Execute it fast, easy, automatic, transparent, comply, and efficient with rightly implemented ERP.
"Having a robust business management system is a must for a business to grow big, be profitable, and sustainable. But, to run the system manually with compliance and stay in control is very hard. ERP application is helpful to make it easy, automatic, and efficient. ERP is an important key to make business survive today"
Ciong Bun Hin
ERP & Management Consultant
Let's Find Why It's Really Do
Why Is ERP Important and Needed?

Don't Make Your Business in Danger Without ERP

ERP application translates almost all things a management system defines, as the reflection of how the company shall run, into a computer application.
This application makes the system implementation into a day by day business activities far more practical. It also makes it easy, automatic, consistent, fast, transparent, easy to monitor, enforcing, and compliant.

Run Your Business By Defines The System

A business management system document in a company shall guide, define, and rule how to do all the business processes in the company, such as:
Defines Objectives, Resources, Roles, and Measures
Define the main processes chain
Define inputs such as material, information, or data for a process
Define the outputs of the process
Define who should perform and authorize a process
Define who should or should not have access to an information
Define what data or information to record and what form to use
Define the control actions, control points, when, and where to perform
Define constraints, conditions, as well as exceptions.
Maintain all relevant record of data and information

What is ERP Do and Why ERP is Needed?

Growing great business simplified. ERP does enforce the system, integrate seamlessly, control from everywhere, speed up, automate, and exist online right away.

Ensure & Enforce Compliance

With ERP, a company has a great tool and great power to ensure and enforce the business always run in compliance with the underlying designed system efficiently.


ERP can do many actions or task automatically every a period or base on desired conditions, such as to send a reminder emails of overdue invoices or to create procurements when stock level reach reorder point.

Integrate Business Processes Seamleassly

Once business or process information enters the first point, ERP makes it to be available automatically and instantly for other relevant departments, functions, users, and managers in the company. The process becomes fast and responds more accurately, and in turn, makes the business agile.

Achieve More with The Same Resources

ERP do complex and delicate task quickly and accurate while it consumes a lot of time and energy when people do it manually. It saves a lot of people’s time and resources that are useful to do more valuable results.

Solve Problems & Remove Waste

ERP will remove non-value-added activity such as double or triple data entry of the same information, checking inconsistent information from multiple data silos, waiting for report or information, propagating error, repeating of processing same task such as for creating a report

Enable to Work, Manage, & Sell Online

Modern ERP is a secure web-based application where the business database accessible from anywhere and anytime. Managers and team members can perform their tasks, do control, and monitor remotely. Customers can reach relevant products and services as well as put their orders remotely too.

Great Decission For Great Business Awaits

Get started for free and find out what you can accomplish with the power of ERP at your fingertips.
Make The Business Great

BCC Consulting

Citra Raya Boulevard Blok X01 No. 27R Citra Raya Tangerang 15710.
Phone: 021-29239357

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